A warm welcome to my blog. I have been losing my hearing for some years and I have accepted it now. It has been a long journey and it is not finished. So I invite you to join me. Together we can reflect on this invisible disability and explore ways to minimise its impact not only on the hard-of-hearing person but also on his/her loved ones and friends. Losing one’s hearing doesn’t have to be a tragedy, in fact, it has made me discover many new facets of life. We can positively influence how we respond to issues such as hearing loss. You will find in this blog a combination of personal reflection, research and hopefully some inspiring conversations with other hard-of-hearing friends.
Making the most of life with a Hearing loss
Viktor E. Frankl wrote: “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” That is also my belief. Feeling in control of our destiny is a powerful motivation, even if a disability gets in the way. It is down to us to make the most of life even with a hearing loss.

Edited in Prisma app with Leya